sexta-feira, setembro 23, 2005

FACE OFF - porque é o melhor filme de ação que já vi

- (Travolta, o bom, como Cage, liga para casa depois de fugir da prisão. Cage - o mau -, como Travolta, atende)
Castor Troy: Hello? This is Sean Archer.
Sean Archer: Well, if you are Sean Archer, then I must be Castor Troy.

- (Cage e Travolta se encontram, frente a frente, com os rostos, vozes e corpo, trocados)
Castor Troy: I don't know what I hate wearing worse. Your face or your body. I mean I certainly do enjoy boning your wife, but let's face it, we both like it better the other way yes? So why don't we trade back.
Sean Archer: You can't give back what you've taken from me.
Castor Troy: OK, then... plan B, why don't we just kill each other?

- Castor Troy: It's like looking in a mirror. Only... not.

- Dietrich: Hey Sean, how's your dead son?

- Castor Troy: I hate to see you go, but I LOVE to watch you leave.

- Castor Troy: If I were to send you flowers where would I... no, let me rephrase that. If I were to let you suck my tongue, would you be grateful?